Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 5 (How To Make Power Cube, Soul Cube And More)

      This blogger I am going to talk about how to make power cube and soul cube and more in Roblox game Modded Cube Combination, if you want to know what is this game you can go to see previous blogger. Before I talk about how to make power cube and soul cube, I think someone will ask, “what are these this for?” Because I will introduce some special boss, special boss cannot found in map, so power cube, soul cube and more is the ingredients to make the special boss. Now let start. 

      First cube power cube. First step iron cube+gold cube=force cube, make three force cube. Second step 1 force cube+iron cube=plate, 2 force cube+2 gold cube=2 rich cube, rich+plate=shiny cube. Third step get 5 ice, (furnace mean put inside) ice+furnace+furnace+furnace=plasma cube, 2 ice+furnace=2 water cube, 2 water cube+2 ice=2 glacier cube. Fourth step get 4 rock, 2 rock+furnace=2 lava ball, 2 lava ball+2 rock=2 lava cube, 2 lava cube+2 glacier cube=2 cooled lava cube, plasma cube+cooled lava cube=energy cube. Last step shiny cube+cooled lava cube then +rich cube=enrichment cube, enrichment cube+energy cube=power cube.

       Second cube soul cube, plate cube+green cube=healer cube, healer cube+enrichment cube= life cube, life cube+power cube=soul cube. Third cube charge power cube, power cube+furnace=power crystal, power crystal+power cube= charge power cube. Fourth cube cruelty cube, pain cube+furnace=death cube (pain cube is spawn at underworld, I will talk underworld n about few more blogger) death cube+soul cube=cruelty cube. Fifth cube super charge power cube, cruelty cube+charge power cube= super charge power cube.

      That’s all I’ll introduce this blogger, next blogger I will introduction some special boss. Thank you for reading my sharing, I hope you have a nice day.




Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 10 (How To Make Armour)

Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 7 (Normal Level Special Boss)

Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 12 (How To Make Sword 2)