Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 9 (Hard Level Special Boss 2)


     This blogger I am going to talk about special boss (hard level 2) in Roblox game Modded Cube Combination, if you want to know what is this game you can go to see previous blogger. Before i talk about special boss, special boss is cannot found in map so it is make by boss drop and some ingredients, if you don’t know what is the boss drop and the ingredients, you can go to see Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 3 and 4. Let start.

        First boss hard+ level “Power Loop” he is make by hyper sword+charge power cube=Upgraded hyper loop summon cube, Upgraded hyper loop summon cube+super charge power cube=power loop summon cube, he go 5 life, first life is 5000+ health, second life is 7000+health , third life is 8000+ health, fourth life is 10000+ health, fifth life is 11000+ health, he can spawn 2 tank stronger than “Hyper Loop” tank. Second boss hard+ level “Resurrected Hammerdom” he is make by activate hammerdom helmet+charge power cube=semi summon cube, semi+activate gilded rage hammer= resummoned hammerdom respawner, resummoned hammerdom respawner+super charge power cube=resurrected hammerdom.

      Last boss and this is the hardest boss yet in Modded Cube Combination “4puls” this is how to make, first step get 2 super charge power cube, plate cube+iron cube=huge cage, huge cage+super charge power cube=huge cage contain super charge power cube, second step put cryoide crystal in compressor become cryoide dust, cryoide dust+gold=cryoide, cryoide+white cube=cryoide cube, cryoide cube+super charge power cube=glitched cube, last step glitched cube+huge cage contain super charge power cube=4puls summon cube, he got 68000+ health and got 2 skill (I don’t know he got more skill or not, i only know two skill), first skill he have the skill like “Cyro” ice crystal but it is purple, second skill he can spawn I think 5 or 6 guy to help him, he got a big scythe, so long hit rage, walk speed fast, damage one shot, when he die he will drop a glitched crystal, it is useless for now.

      That’s all I’ll introduce this blogger, next blogger I will introduction how to make sword. Thank you for reading my sharing, I hope you have a nice day.



Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 10 (How To Make Armour)

Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 7 (Normal Level Special Boss)

Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 12 (How To Make Sword 2)