Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 10 (How To Make Armour)

      This blogger I am going to talk about how to make armour in Roblox game Modded Cube Combination, if you want to know what is this game you can go to see previous blogger. Before i talk about special boss, special boss is cannot found in map so it is make by boss drop and some ingredients, if you don’t know what is the boss drop and the ingredients, you can go to see Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 3 and 4. Let start.

      First of all we want to make armour we need helmet cube, chest plate cube, legging cube, and boots cube, this 4 cube need armour cube, this is how to make armour cube, golden cube+blue cube=armour cube, then armour cube+blue cube=helmet cube, armour cube+magenta cube=chest plate cube (magenta= red+blue), armour cube+red cube=legging cube, last armour cube+yellow cube=boots cube (yellow=red+green).

      So now first set iron amour, get 4 iron cube, helmet cube+1 iron cube=iron helmet, chest plate cube+1 iron cube=iron chest plate, legging cube+iron cube=iron legging, boots cube+iron cube=iron boots. Second set golden armour, making of golden armour is the same with iron armour, just change iron cube to golden cube like helmet cube+golden cube=golden helmet. Last set for this blogger steel armour, first you need full set iron armour, then get 4 steel you can get it by killing the guy that “Ravenscar” and “Hyper Loop” spawn, make 4 steel cube (steel+white cube), last step iron helmet+steel cube=steel helmet,  iron chest plate+steel cube=steel chest plate, iron legging+steel cube=steel legging, iron boots+steel cube=steel boots.
     That’s all I’ll introduce this blogger, next blogger I will introduction how to make sword. Thank you for reading my sharing, I hope you have a nice day.



Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 7 (Normal Level Special Boss)

Introduction Roblox Modded Cube Combination 12 (How To Make Sword 2)