我的宠物第一集 my petFirst episode😺

还记得两年前我有养一只流浪猫,它很可怜,因为我还没养到半年就被爷爷抓去放生了,当时我非常伤心。爷爷为什么要丢掉是因为奶奶非常讨厌养宠物,由其是那种很肮脏的动物,所以奶奶叫爷爷抓去放生。 这只流浪猫是我在6月29日2018找到的,我把它取名为"皮皮" 。 因为那时候我非常喜欢猫,所以我叫爷爷帮我寻找一只野猫给我当宠物。有一天晚上爷爷在门口乘凉,突然间不知道从哪里冒出了两只野猫,然后爷爷就发出猫喜欢的声音吸引了那两只猫过来,由于有一只猫是公的所以我就把它赶走,因为另外一只是母的,我要让那只母猫生多多小猫。

I still remember that I raised a stray cat two years ago. It was very pitiful, because my grandfather caught me and released it before I raised it for half a year. I was very sad at the time. The reason why grandpa throws it away is because grandma hate pets very much, because it is a very dirty animal, so grandma asked grandpa to catch it and release it. I found this stray cat on June 29, 2018, and I named it "Pippi". Because I liked cats very much at that time, I asked Grandpa to help me find a wild cat for me as a pet. One night, Grandpa was taking the cold at the door. Suddenly, two wild cats appeared from nowhere. Then Grandpa made a cat’s favorite sound and attracted the two cats. Since one of the cats was male, I chased it away, because the other one is female, I want that female cat to give birth to many kittens.


  1. 还记得是6月29号喔,超强记忆

  2. 奶奶非常“讨论”养宠物,是“讨厌”吧




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