讲骗话的后果第二集 The consequences of telling lies

上次说到,有一个人他叫小明他很懒惰。 有一天,小明在玩电脑游戏时他妈妈叫她去丢垃圾,原本小明是不想要去的可是他妈妈说:“如果你去丢垃圾我就买一包零食给你”听到后小明就答应 了,然后他妈妈就拿给他了。 去的在路上他心想:“丢垃圾还要去楼下的那我直接丢在电梯里面反正妈妈也不知道。”想玩后他就把垃圾丢在电梯里。 过了一会儿,小明丢好后他就回家玩电脑游戏了。 他玩到一半时,他妈妈过来跟他说:“我出去了,在家你要乖乖的不可以让坏人进来”说完后他妈妈就走了。 当他妈妈走到电梯的时候,小明突然想到了他把垃圾丢在电梯里面,小明原本想出去跟他妈妈不用买零食了,可是他妈妈已经上电梯了,所以他就只好在家里等着被 骂。 当他妈妈上电梯后,他妈妈发现了里面有个垃圾而且还很臭所以她就去看一下,结果发现是我们家的垃圾然后他就拿着垃圾回家。 这次来说,“小明非常后悔。”妈妈到家后就问小明:“这个垃圾袋是不是你丢的”,小明看到后就说不是,因为小明想到如果我跟妈妈说是我丟的话, 我就会被打的。 然后妈妈继续问:“真的不是你丢的”,小明听到后还是说不是,所以妈妈只好打开垃圾袋看,结果发现是刚才小明吃的饭盒。看到后小明没有办法在狡辩,然后小明的妈妈就用藤鞭打了小明两下,一下是他把垃圾丢在电梯里的另外一下是他讲骗话的。最后小明很后悔

Last time I mentioned that there was a man named Xiao Ming who was lazy. One day, when Xiao Ming was playing a computer game, his mother told her to throw out the trash. Originally, Xiao Ming didn't want to go, but his mother said, "If you go to throw out the trash, I will buy you a pack of snacks." When Xiao Ming heard that she agreed , And then his mother gave it to him. On the way, he thought to himself: "If I have to go downstairs to throw the trash, I just throw it in the elevator anyway. Mom doesn't know." When he wanted to play, he threw the trash in the elevator. After a while, after Xiao Ming lost it, he went home to play computer games. When he was halfway through the game, his mother came over and said to him: "I'm out, you must be obedient at home not to let the bad guys in" and his mother left. When his mother walked to the elevator, Xiao Ming suddenly thought of him throwing garbage in the elevator. Xiao Ming originally wanted to go out with his mother without buying snacks, but his mother was already on the elevator, so he had to wait at home to be taken. curse. When his mother got on the elevator, his mother found that there was a rubbish inside and it was smelly, so she went to check it, and found it was our house's rubbish and he took the rubbish home. This time, "Xiao Ming regrets it very much." When his mother got home, she asked Xiao Ming: "Did you throw this trash bag?" Xiao Ming said no when she saw it, because Xiao Ming thought that if I told my mother that I lost it, I will be beaten. Then my mother continued to ask: "It really wasn't you who lost it." Xiao Ming still said no when she heard it, so her mother had to open the trash bag and found that it was the lunch box Xiao Ming had just eaten. Seeing that Xiao Ming could not quibble, then Xiao Ming's mother beat Xiao Ming twice with a vine, one was he who threw the garbage in the elevator, and the other was he was telling lies. Finally Xiao Ming regrets it



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