我的好朋友第二集 My good friend second episode,🙂

上次说到,我叫Pizahat,岁数保密,我喜欢打篮球,那是我的爱好。 我有三个好朋友,一个叫X文,一个叫X源,另一个叫X生。 这次来说“我的好朋友第二集。”我们定好后就开始了,因为我只有一个人,所以我就先开球。 开球后我先把球带到左边,然后把球投上篮里,结果X源上来拦我,所以我就没有投进。 我发现我没有投进后,我就跑进去抢球,可是X文已经在等球了,然后X文就拿到球了,所以我没有抢到。

Last time I mentioned that my name is Pizahat and my age is confidential. I like to play basketball, which is my hobby. I have three good friends, one is X Wen, one is X Yuan, and the other is X Sheng. This time I said "My good friend second episode." We started after we decided, because I only have one person, so I will kick off first. After the kick-off, I took the ball to the left and then shot the ball into the basket. As a result, source X came up to stop me, so I didn't make it. After I found out that I hadn't made a shot, I ran in to grab the ball, but X Wen was already waiting for the ball, and then X Wen got the ball, so I didn't grab it.



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