分工合作的故事 The story of division of labor

从前有一只小猫和一只小狗他们是好朋友。 小猫是很会打造屋子但它却不会搬东西,小狗可以搬东西但它却不会打造屋子。 有一天,小猫和小狗在草原上躺着觉得非常无聊,所以小猫和小狗在想要怎么才可以不无聊,想啊想突然小猫想到了一个办法就说:“不如我们去森林 旅游吧。”小狗听到后满意地答应了,所以他们要去准备。 一开始小狗先想到了避雨的问题,它就问小猫然后小猫就说:“我很厉害打造屋子所以我们可以打造一个小木屋,”说完后小猫又想到了一个问题,就是木屋 要怎么搬到森林然后他就问小狗,小狗说:“我的力量很大所以我可以把木屋搬去森林。说完后小猫他们就开工了。过了一会儿他们就做好了,做好后 他们就带上一点食物就开心地去了。

Once there was a kitten and a puppy they were good friends. Kittens are good at building but they can't move things, puppy can move things but they can't build things. One day, kittens and puppies were lying on the grassland and found it very boring, so the kittens and puppies wanted to be boring. Suddenly, the kitten thought of a way and said, “It’s better to go to the forest. Travel." The puppy agreed with satisfaction after hearing it, so they had to prepare. In the beginning, the puppy thought about sheltering from the rain. It asked the kitten and the kitten said: "I am very good at building things so we can build a small wooden house." After speaking, the kitten thought of another problem, which is the wooden house. Then he asked the puppy how to get to the forest. The puppy said: "I am very good at moving things so I can move over. After talking about the kittens, they will start work. After a while, they will be ready. They brought a little food and went happily.




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