爬山记 Mountain climbing

上个月,我们一家五口一起去爬山,在出发前我们就穿长裤,因为我们怕路边的树枝会刮伤我们的腿。由于那里的天气太冷所以我们决定穿长袖衣,最后我们穿了跑步 鞋因为我们怕脚扭伤,一切准备就续我们就出发了。当我们到达山脚下,然后我们再顺着楼梯爬上去。突然间路上蹦出了一个猴子,姐姐拿出手机把猴子滑稽的模样给拍了下来。 走啊走终于到了山顶,我们总共花了一个小时才到达山顶,我们拍了很多照片留念,拍完后就我们就回家了。

Last month, our family of five went hiking together. We wore trousers before we set off because we were afraid that the branches on the roadside would scratch our legs. Because the weather there was too cold, we decided to wear long-sleeved shirts. Finally, we wore running shoes because we were afraid of spraining our feet. All preparations continued and we set off. When we reached the foot of the mountain, we then climbed up the stairs again. Suddenly a monkey popped out on the road. My sister took out the phone and took a picture of the monkey's funny appearance. Walking and walking finally reached the top of the mountain. It took us a total of an hour to reach the top of the mountain. We took a lot of pictures as a souvenir. After the shooting, we went home.


  1. 准备了那么多才去爬山,怎么山里就只出现一只猴子?




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