
目前显示的是 2021的博文

mobil legend 我最喜欢的skin

Have you ever dreamt of having an official  Mobile Legends: Bang Bang  Roger model figure? Well, this is your lucky day! Every year during the world championship, Moonton plans something special for its Mobile Legends fans, such as exclusive skins and other in-game rewards. This  M3 World Championship , Moonton is introducing something new. The game developers are giving away a real life Roger model figure that you stand a chance to win by purchasing the M3 pass. Here is guide on how to get your hands on the exclusive Roger model figure for the  M3 World Championship . This M3 World Championship exclusive Roger model figure will blow you away Screenshot by Jules Elona/ONE Esports The figure features a beautifully crafted 1/8 scale model of the Fiend Haunter Roger skin, posing valiantly with his massive rifle and futuristic armor that makes him look like he is part of the S.A.B.E.R. squad. The Roger model figure also has the logo of the M3 World Championship at its base, surrounded by i

介绍我的喷水器 Introducing my sprinkler

              我有一个喷水器,他是蓝色的,大开始按钮上会发出蓝色的亮光,打开后他能把水变成烟,我非常喜欢它。他有很多功能,其中一个是当我很热很热时,我只需要打开它喷自己就会凉爽了。他还有一个功能,就是每当我坐在我书房的桌子前,都会有蚊子来咬我,当我很痒时,我都会往蚊子咬的地方喷一下,这样子就不会痒了。它还可以往自己嘴巴里喷一点,然后把烟吐出来,那简直不要太帅。      你们有喜欢的东西吗?有什么功能呢?       I have a water sprayer. It is blue. The big start button will emit a blue light. When it is turned on, it can turn water into smoke. I like it very much. It has many functions, one of which is that when I am very hot, I just need to open it and spray myself to cool down. He also has a function, that is, whenever I sit at the desk in my study room, mosquitoes will bite me. When I am very itchy, I will spray the mosquito bite so that it will not itch. It can also squirt a little into its mouth and then spit out the smoke, which is simply not too handsome.       Do you have something you like? What are the functions?

【新版】迷你世界 【New Version】Mini World

           我在玩手机的一个游戏叫《 迷你世界 》 那个游戏非常好玩进到它里面就会教你怎么玩这个游戏。 它里面是一个一个正方体的方块和里面可以选你要玩什么模式有生存 模式和创造模式,生存模式有分为三种。第一种就是普通的生存;第二种就是极限生存就是只有一条命;第三种就是高级生存就是可以你要出生在那个地方就出身在那个地方 。现在来说创造, 创造是你要那什么方块出来在书包拿就可以了和创造有无限命不会死 而且创造有分为两种模式地一种是普通的创造另一种是高级创造就是 跟高级生存一样就是你想出身在哪里就出生在哪里。 我的迷你号: 1445274090 my mini world Id: 1445274090        I was playing a game on my mobile phone called " Mini World ". It's fun to play, and it will teach you how to play this game.  Inside it is a cube of cubes and inside you can choose what mode you want to play. There are survival mode and creative mode. There are three survival modes. One is ordinary survival, and the second is extreme survival, which means there is only one life.  The three types of earth are advanced survival, which means you can be born in that place if you want to be born there.  Now for creation, creation is what you want out of the box and you can take it in your schoolbag. Creation has unlimited life and will not die. There are two modes of

我的假期 my holiday

           It was holiday. I was very happy. I read my favourite books. I have many books.  I also had a lot of homework to do. I like playing computer games, too. It's very interesting. But I could not play it too much. I wear glasses, I'm very sad. It's not good for my eyes to play computer games too much.     It was the Spring Festival. It's Chinese traditional festival. People were very happy. They went shopping, cleaned their houses, had supper together. I went to my grandparents' home with my parents. My grandparents were very happy to see us. They prepared many kinds of nice food, such as fish, meat, vegetables and fruit. In the evening, we watched TV and lighted fireworks. We also knocked on people's doors and gave some presents to them. we also travel to Japan. We bought clothes, shoes and some delicious food.   I had a good holiday, I think. I also have very nice school life now.         那是假期。 我非常高兴。 我读了我最喜欢的书。 我有很多的书。 还有很多功课要做。 我也喜欢玩电脑游戏。 这很有趣。 但我不能玩太

pubg地铁逃生物资价钱排行耪(五大) Pubg Metro Escape Bio-Materials Price Ranking (Top five)

 no.5 狗牌 dog tag(价钱 price:25 000) no.4平板电脑 tablet (价钱 price:41 000)因为找不到图片所以没有放 I didn't put it because I couldn't find the picture no.3探测器 detector(价钱 price:48 000)因为找不到图片所以没有放 I didn't put it because I couldn't find the picture no.2蓝图 blueprint(价钱 price:96 000)因为找不到图片所以没有放 I didn't put it because I couldn't find the picture no.1金条 gold bar(价钱 price:200 000)

完成文章1😀 Complete article 1😀

            在回家的路上我遇到了班上的同学明华。他的神情看起来和平常不一样,虽然我们平时很少交谈但我还是决定走上前问个明白。        “嘿!明华,你怎么闷闷不乐的事发生什么事吗?”我走过去向他挥了挥手可是他径直的向我走过。我拍了拍他的肩膀他才反应过来。“对......对不起,刚刚在想一些事情所以......”说到这里他脸上的表情瞬间变了,他哭丧着脸开始向我叙述家里的情况。          原来明华的妈妈生病了,住在医院需要一大笔手术费,可是明华的家境本就不好,再加上他是单亲家庭,这让他原本就不富裕的家庭雪上加霜,但明华的母亲的病情越来越严重,急需一笔手术费但明华又帮不上母亲,他现在特别烦恼不知如何是好。         这时我心里突然萌生了一个想法...... 未完待续....        On the way home, I met my classmate Minghua. His expression looked different. Although we rarely talk to each other, I decided to step forward and ask to understand.           "Hey! Minghua, what happened to your unhappy thing?" I walked over and waved at him, but he walked straight to me. I patted his shoulder before he realized it. "Ye... I'm sorry, I was thinking about something just now so..." The expression on his face changed instantly when he said that, and he began to tell me about the situation at home with a sad face.            It turned out that Minghua’s mother was sick and living in the hospita
               There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and  dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I  started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport.  Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games  have given me the most wonderful time in my life.     我喜欢的运动种类很多,比如游泳、跑步、 跳舞。 不过,我最喜欢的运动是篮球。 小学的时候,我 在 学校开始打篮球。 那个时候,我发现自己已经深深爱上了这项运动。 现在,我想尽可能多地看篮球比 赛。 篮球比赛 给了我生命中最美好的时光。

介绍我的poppit Introduce my poppit

【Poppit】是一塊矽膠的彩色板,有不同形狀、造型及尺寸,質感柔軟,按壓時會發出輕微的【Pop】聲,除了可以當【啪啪紙】釋放和紓緩壓力,亦有很多不同的玩法,可以自由設定玩法,所有玩法都是以按最後一粒的玩家為輸。此外亦有廠商在每格加上英文或數字,加入更多玩法。這個小玩意好玩之餘亦可訓練數感及思維,寓玩樂於學習,難怪大受歡迎。 另一個受歡迎的原因,是其價錢便宜,而且到處也可以買到,像杂货店... 手机上也可以买到像sopping,taobao和lazada都可以买到,最便宜可以到十仙。难怪这么受欢迎。 [Poppit] is a colored silicone sheet with different shapes, shapes and sizes. It has a soft texture and makes a slight [Pop] sound when pressed. In addition to being used as [Poppit paper] to release and relieve pressure, there are also many differences. The gameplay can be set freely. All gameplays are based on the player who presses the last one as the loser. In addition, some manufacturers add English or numbers to each cell to add more gameplay. This gadget is fun to train sense of number and thinking, and combines play with learning. No wonder it is so popular. Another reason for its popularity is that it is cheap and can be bought everywhere, like grocery stores... You can also buy it on your mobile phone, such as sopping, taobao a
               I have a big family.There are seven people in my family.They are my grandfather, grandmother, my father, my mother, my two sibling.   My grandfather is 69 years old. his hair is all white. He like to resting in night. My grandmother is 60 years old .Her hairs is some white. She likes planting. My mother is 39 years old.She is a worker .She allways workers very hard.she likes go shopping very much. My father is 37 years old too.He is a IT lead .He always want the three of us child study hard.   I m 11 years old I am small school student.I am good at math and chinese .I want to be a good doctor in the future. my two sibling are same school with me. my elder sister want to be a good voice actor in the future, and she hobby is play basketball. My younger sister want to be a good teacher in the future, she hobby is fight with me.   This is my family .I love my family .Do you like my family.           我有一个大家庭。我家有七口人,他们是我的祖父、祖母、我的父亲、我的母亲,我的两个兄弟姐妹。           我的祖父今年 69 岁。 他的头发全白了

在家的儿童节 Children's day at home

           10月1日是儿童节,因为疫情关系,我们学生没有办法去学校读书,只好在家里读书。所以我们没有办法在学校庆祝儿童节,只能在家里庆祝儿童节。老师通过一个叫 students lening space   (学生学习空间) 的网站让我们学习。它是长这样子的。      你登陆后你会看到一格一格格子,那就是老师给你的功课。我的老师就是用这样子的方法给我和我的同学庆祝儿童节。老师发一个格子,里面就有一个谷歌见面链接,我点进去就可以庆祝儿童节啦!       October 1st is Children's Day. Because of the epidemic, our students have no way to go to school and have to study at home. So we can’t celebrate Children’s Day at school, we can only celebrate Children’s Day at home. The teacher let us learn through a website called students lening space. It looks like this.       After you log in, you will see a grid, which is the homework the teacher gives you. My teacher used this method to celebrate Children's Day for me and my classmates. The teacher sends a grid, and there is a Google meet link in it. I can click it to celebrate Children's Day! Translation result  )

A happy day 快乐的一天

                  Last night, my mother told me that we would have a picnic with my uncle’s families in a park. I was so excited.               The elders sat at the ground and talked about the work stuffs and family issues, while the children were playing around. My cousins and I went to the fairground. We took the pirate boat, which made us scream out loudly.              I will never forget the feeling of taking the pirate boat. Besides, we also played other interesting activities. For me, it was a happy day. For my parents, I thought they were happy, too. 昨晚,我妈妈告诉我,我们要和我叔叔的家人在公园里野餐。 我是如此兴奋。                长辈们坐在地上,谈论着工作和家庭问题,而孩子们则在玩耍。 我和我的表兄弟去了露天市场。 我们坐的是海盗船,这让我们大声尖叫。               我永远不会忘记乘坐海盗船的感觉。 此外,我们还进行了其他有趣的活动。 对我来说,这是快乐的一天。 对于我的父母,我认为他们也很幸福。

讲骗话的后果 The consequences of telling lies episode one

有一个人他叫小明他很懒惰。 有一天,小明在玩电脑游戏时他妈妈叫她去丢垃圾,原本小明是不想要去的可是他妈妈说:“如果你去丢垃圾我就买一包零食给你”听到后小明就答应 了,然后他妈妈就拿给他了。 去的在路上他心想:“丢垃圾还要去楼下的那我直接丢在电梯里面反正妈妈也不知道。”想玩后他就把垃圾丢在电梯里。 过了一会儿,小明丢好后他就回家玩电脑游戏了。 他玩到一半时,他妈妈过来跟他说:“我出去了,在家你要乖乖的不可以让坏人进来”说完后他妈妈就走了。 当他妈妈走到电梯的时候,小明突然想到了他把垃圾丢在电梯里面,小明原本想出去跟他妈妈不用买零食了,可是他妈妈已经上电梯了,所以他就只好在家里等着被 骂。 当他妈妈上电梯后,他妈妈发现了里面有个垃圾而且还很臭所以她就去看一下,结果发现是我们家的垃圾然后他就拿着垃圾回家。 妈妈到家后就问小明:“这个垃圾袋是不是你丢的”,小明看到后就说不是,因为小明想到如果我跟妈妈说是我丟的话, 我就会被打的。 然后妈妈继续问:“真的不是你丢的”,小明听到后还是说不是,所以妈妈只好打开垃圾袋看,结果发现是刚才小明吃的饭盒。看到后小明没有办法在狡辩,然后小明的妈妈就用藤鞭打了小明两下,一下是他把垃圾丢在电梯里的另外一下是他讲骗话的。最后小明很后悔 there was a man named Xiao Ming who was lazy. One day, when Xiao Ming was playing a computer game, his mother told her to throw out the trash. Originally, Xiao Ming didn't want to go, but his mother said, "If you go to throw out the trash, I will buy you a pack of snacks." When Xiao Ming heard that she agreed , And then his mother gave it to him. On the way, he thought to himself: "If I have to go downstairs to throw the trash, I just throw

fight 打架 第一集

         A sunny morning, our fifth grade break time came. Xiao Ming went to the playground to play ball after dinner, and Xiaoqi and Xiaoqiang played chess together after dinner.  They had a great time playing chess。Yeah! I'm going to win!" Xiaoqiang said happily. At this moment, Xiao Ming kicked the ball hard and kicked it towards Xiaoqiang. Xiao Ming ran over to prevent the ball from hitting Xiaoqiang. He jumped and blocked the ball, but Xiao Ming's back hit Xiaoqiang.     After Xiao Ming ran into Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang hit the table and patted his hand on the chess. The chess all flew up, and the orange juice on the table should have come down because Xiao Qiang hit the table. Xiao Qi, who was sitting opposite, was taken aback. He was afraid that chess would hit him, so he blocked it with his hands. The scene was chaotic.     After Xiao Ming bumped into Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang showed an expression of pain, and then he yelled at Xiao Ming as soon as he turned around:    

一个意外 An accident

Today is really a good day to have a picnic in the park," Dad said while looking at the window. After hearing this, my brother and I ran out of the room enthusiastically, "Does Dad really want to go?" we asked happily. "Of course, if we didn't go, we would suffer," Dad said. Hearing that my father wanted to go on a picnic so much and we also wished to go on a picnic so much, my brother and I went to tell my mother the good news. "Mom! Mom!" My brother and I yelled, and then my mother asked, "What's the matter, why are we yelling so loudly?" "Can we go on a picnic today? Is this what Dad suggested?" My brother and I asked. When my mother heard it, she said: This proposal is good, so let's go for a picnic today. "After hearing that, we were very happy. After the discussion, we started to prepare. After a while, we were ready. We brought sandwiches, orange juice, beer and some tools such as umbrellas, spoons, forks...

Computer games i like 我喜欢的电脑游戏

        I like a computer game name Prodigy. It is a do math puzzles fiight monsters and upgrade game and in the game have many boss,  I only know some boss like Titan, Mira Shade, The Ancient, Pippet, Crystal Golem,  Makalu, Quadruple Cloud and Old One. The most powerful in it is Mira Shade, The second is The Ancient, The third is Titan.           Now I will introduce three of them. First Mira Shade, Mira Shade is the NPC (Non-playable Character) guardian of the Dark Tower in Prodigy. Second is The Ancient, The Ancient is the guardian of Harmony Island in Prodigy. Third si Titan, Titan is a boss that is summoned by the Puppet Master. It is capable of using a special move called Royal Roar. If you win a battle against the Titan Barrier, you will gain 1 TitanShards Titan Shards if you are not Ta member. However, if you were to use the membership catapult, you will get 2 TitanShards Titan Shards instead. Using the Team Battling feature can assist in gaining up to 4 TitanShards Titan Shar
           My name is Xiao ming My favorite teacher is Mdm Zhao. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.    Mdm Zhao dislike curse people, she likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.       Mdm Zhao likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favorite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.             我叫小明。我最喜欢的老师是赵女士。 她是位美丽的女士。 她有两只大眼睛,高鼻子和小红嘴。 她的脸上总是挂着微笑。             赵女士不喜欢骂人,她喜欢唱歌和收集海报。 她擅长弹钢琴。 到了晚上,她总是坐在钢琴前,弹奏优美的音乐。 她也很会跳舞。 有时她教我们跳舞。              赵女士非常喜欢狗,因为狗非常友好和可爱。 她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。 因为蓝色是天空和海洋的颜色。
There is a person named Xiaoli, she is eleven years old this year, he is studying in class 5A, she is a person who loves complaints, so the teacher let her be the class leader. One day their class was going to the library to borrow books, and then they lined up outside the classroom. Xiaoli was in the front of line because she was the class leader. After the line-up, they went to the library. After a while, they arrived library. Xiaoli is going to the third row of bookshelves to read, because every time she goes to borrow books, she goes to the third row. When Xiaoli reached the third row of bookshelves,she see xiaomei pick up a wallet and then put in her pocket then go away. Xiaoli saw what Xiaomei do then she go to tell Xiaomei friend, " don't be Xiaomei's friend,because she embezzle other people thing." Xiaomei friend listen to Xiaoli explanation and then they believe what she say, then they all stopped being friends with Xiaomei. To the next day ,Xiaomei want to c


             最近PUBG出了一个新模式,我相信你们都有玩过了。它是一个开箱子赚钱买装备打人游戏。今天我就来说说,如何在逃离辐射区,而却是在没有撤离信号枪的情况下离开辐射区撤离。 首先我们要先有一个好的出生点像R城里面是最好的,然后马上冲进地铁里,不要开外面的车,要开里面的车,因为只有从里面进去才可以出去,后面我会细说怎么出去。进去地铁后我们可以做一个小动作,我们可以把外面的车开到拐弯处,这样别人就以为车被开走了,所以走掉,就算他们真的想去辐射区也要很久,因为我们不是吧外面那辆车开走了,所以他走过去也要很久,那样子我们就可以安心的开箱子了。 我们进到辐射区,如果你不想和别人打架,你就只可以开一些木材架上的一些箱子,因为如果你去到图书馆,有些人就来了,所以你只能开一些箱子。开完后你就去到一个木材架旁边的一个角落,到了这里你就一直跳,一直跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳。直到你翻过一面空气墙就是成功了。但是这个方法还是有一定风险的,一点要打满血,要不然跌下来后果不堪设想😮。翻过去后直走不要乱走,要不然会跌下去。之走后你会跌下一个草地别担心因为这给草地很高,所以不用担心会死掉。掉下去后你就去到R城旁边的一个高架,然后跳下去,哦忘了说当你跌下去那个草地时一定要打药,要不然你跳下去高架后会死掉,跳下去后就可以去你的撤离点该回家了,你就可以赚一个金银满盆。😁 我们来说下一个方法,下一个方法就是用另外一边的矿车,首先我们要先有一个好的出生点像R城里面是最好的,然后马上冲进地铁里,不要开里面的车,要开外面的车,因为只有从里没进去才可以出去,后面我会细说怎么出去。进去地铁后我们可以做一个小动作,我们可以把里面的车开到很远,这样别人就以为车被开走了,所以走掉,就算他们真的想去辐射区也要很久,因为我们不是吧里面那辆车开走了,所以他走过去也要很久,那样子我们就可以安心的开箱子了。 我们进到辐射区,如果你不想和别人打架,你就只可以开一些木材架上的一些箱子,因为如果你去到图书馆,有些人就来了,所以你只能开一些箱子。开完后你就去到一个木材架地下,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊

小肥好心人第四集😀 Good-hearted Man Xiaofei Episode 4😀

        这集来说,小肥好心人第四集,也就是大结局。上集说到,小肥能起到火吗?这几我们就来揭秘。          叶子碰到火种后,火就在叶子上烧了起来,然后小肥再把烧起来的叶子快速地放在煤炭的上面让煤碳烧起来。烧起来后把铁放进去,可是这段时间很长,所以小肥变成一个人去看那位穷人有没有去买玩具车。看完后小肥就回去看铁烧好没有,烧好后就把它倒进模具里,等它冷却。冷却好后找两个木棍来插在轮胎的洞里,然后再放上轮胎上就完成了。最后小肥变成人把玩具车送给穷人。 完结😀💗          For this episode, the fourth episode of The Little Fat Man is the finale. As mentioned in the previous episode, can Xiaofei be able to make a fire? Here we come to reveal the secret.           After the leaves touched the fire, the fire ignited on the leaves, and then Xiaofei quickly put the burned leaves on top of the coal to let the coal burn. Put the iron in after it burned, but it took a long time, so Xiaofei became a person to see if the poor man bought a toy car. After reading it, Xiaofei went back to see if the iron was burnt, and after it was burnt, he poured it into the mold and waited for it to cool. After cooling down, find two wooden sticks to insert into the tire hole, and then put it on the tire to complete. Finally, Xiaofei bec

小肥好心人第三集 Good-hearted Man Xiaofei Episode 2🙂

        这集来说,小肥好心人第三集。上期说到,小肥拿这些东西可以做到一辆玩具车吗,这几就来揭密。          小肥搜集到这些东西后就马上开工,首先他拿来一些树枝把煤炭放在树枝的下面,然后找一片枯黄的叶子和一个小树枝再然后把锅放在煤炭上面把铁放进去,用他捡到的小树枝在大大的树干上摩擦直到起火,过了一会儿有烟出来时赶快把刚刚捡到的树叶放在火种的旁边,让火种碰到叶子。  🤔小肥能起到火吗? 🤔 😋期待下集😋       For this episode, the third episode of Xiaofei kindhearted man. As mentioned in the last issue, can Xiaofei use these things to make a toy car? Let's reveal the secret. To        After the consumer collects these things, he starts work immediately. First, he takes some branches and puts the coal under the branches, then finds a withered leaf and a small branch, and then puts the pot on the coal and puts the iron in. He picks it up. The small branches that arrived rubbed on the big trunk until it caught fire. When the smoke came out after a while, put the leaves you just picked up next to the tinder so that the tinder touched the leaves.  🤔Can Xiaofei play a fire? 🤔  😋 Looking forward to the next episode😋

小肥好心人第二集 Good-hearted Man Xiaofei Episode 2🙂

这期来说,小肥好心人第二集。          小肥想啊想,突然他想到了一个办法,他就说:“对了,我可以自己着一辆玩具车。”           然后小肥废话不多说就开整。首先,他去找材料他找了一个大大的木头,一些黑漆漆的煤炭,一块硬邦邦的铁和一个锅还有一个轮胎的模具。 🤔肥拿这些东西可以做到玩具车吗?🤔 😋期待下集😋 For this issue, the second episode of Xiaofei kindhearted man. Xiaofei thought and thought, suddenly he thought of a way, he said: "Yes, I can own a toy car." Then Xiaofei drove the whole car without much nonsense. First, he went to find materials. He found a large piece of wood, some bouncing like leather, some black coal, a hard piece of iron, a pot and a tire mold. 🤔Can you make a toy car with these things? 🤔  🥳Look forward to the next episode🥳

好心人小肥第一集 Good-hearted Man Xiaofei Episode 1🙂

          从前有个人叫小肥,从来没有人看过他长什么样子。 他最喜欢做的事就是帮助有需要帮助的人而且他有一个超能力就是可以变成任何人。          一天,他看到一家穷人。 里面有一个小孩和一个妈妈和一个爸爸。 小孩一直吵着要一辆玩具车,可是那家穷人的爸爸和妈妈都没有钱买玩具车给小孩,所以爸爸只好骗小孩讲:“我明天一定会买给你的。”小肥听到后 ,心想:“我一定要帮助那家人去商店买一辆玩具车,可是我又不想被人家看到我长什么样子,我该怎么办呢?”          There used to be a man named Xiaofei, and no one had ever seen what he looked like. His favorite thing to do is to help people in need.            One day, he saw a poor family. There is a child and a mother and a father in it. The child kept clamoring for a toy car, but the poor father and mother had no money to buy a toy car for the child, so the father had to lie to the child: "I will buy it for you tomorrow." Xiaofei heard this. , Thought: "I must help that family go to the store to buy a toy car, but I don't want to be seen by others, what should I do?" 🤔小肥该这么办?                       😋  期待下集  😋 🤔What should Xiaofei do? 🤔Does the child quarrel for other things? 😋Looking forward to the next episode😋

灵异事件第二集 The second episode of supernatural events😱

上次说到了第一个灵异事件,这次来说第二个灵异事件。  第二个:这个也是一样在书房发生的。 当那个白衣人走过去时,又发生了一件灵异事件,就是我问完爸爸,妈妈和姐姐后,我没有多想,就回书房做功课。 我做到一半时,我的笔头断了,我就转头去拿一只新笔,我转头后我看到了我原本放在灯上面的猫,跑去了桌子了边缘,那是后我 愣住了,然后我就问妹妹有没有玩我的猫,可是他说没有。 最后我调查了这两件事,结果第二件是我玩完后随手一放的,可是第一件调查不出来,所以他/她是谁呢? Last time I talked about the first supernatural event, this time it is the second supernatural event.  The second one: This also happens in the study. When the white-clothed man walked over, another supernatural event happened. After I asked my father, mother and sister, I didn't think much about it, so I went back to the study to do my homework. When I was halfway through, my pen was broken. I turned my head to get a new pen. After I turned my head, I saw the cat I had placed on the lamp. I ran to the edge of the table. I was stunned, and then I asked my sister if he played with my cat, but he said no. In the end, I investigated these two things, and it turned out that the second one was released after I finished playing, but the first one

灵异事件第一集 The first episode of supernatural events😱

今天,我在做功课的时候发生了两个灵异事件。  第一个:事情是这样的,我们一家去吃早餐后,我们就回家了。 到家后爸爸就叫我们去做功课,突然间,一个穿白色的人从我们的房间走过去,因为它走太快,所以我没有看清楚他的脸。我看到后我就去问妈妈有没有去我们的房间,然后妈妈说:“我没有。”听到后我接着去问爸爸和姐姐,可是他们都说没有,姐姐还问,“是不是妹妹?”我跟他说:“那时候妹妹在跟我一起做功课。 Today, two supernatural events happened while I was doing my homework.  The first one: This is how it is, after our family went to eat breakfast, we went home. When we got home, Dad asked us to do our homework. Suddenly, a person wearing white walked past our room. Because it was walking too fast, I didn't see his face clearly. After I saw it, I asked my mother if she had gone to our room, and then her mother said, "I didn't." After hearing that, I went to ask my father and sister, but they all said no, and my sister asked, "Is it a sister? ?" I said to him: "At that time my sister was doing homework with me.

我的好朋友第三集 My good friend episode 3🙂

上次说到,我们定好后就开始了,因为我只有一个人,所以我就先开球。 开球后我先把球带到左边,然后把球投上篮里,结果X源上来拦我,所以我就没有投进。 我发现我没有投进后,我就跑进去抢球,可是X文已经在等球了,然后X文就拿到球了,所以我没有抢到。这次来说“我的好朋友第三集。”我发现我没有抢到后,我就去拦X文,因为他拿着球,我就站在他前面手打开,然后他就把球传给X源,因为X源很厉害打篮球。X文传后我就去拦X源,当我要跑去试X源已经把球投上篮,因为X源没有然挡着他,所以他进了。 Speaking of last time, we started after we decided, because I only have one person, so I will tee off first. After the kick-off, I took the ball to the left and then shot the ball into the basket. As a result, source X came up to stop me, so I didn't make it. After I found out that I hadn't made a shot, I ran in to grab the ball, but X Wen was already waiting for the ball, and then X Wen got the ball, so I didn't grab it. This time I said "My good friend episode 3." After I found out that I hadn't grabbed it, I went to stop X Wen, because he was holding the ball, I stood in front of him and opened his hand, and then he passed the ball. Give X source, because X source is very good at playing basketball.

我的好朋友第二集 My good friend second episode,🙂

上次说到,我叫Pizahat,岁数保密,我喜欢打篮球,那是我的爱好。 我有三个好朋友,一个叫X文,一个叫X源,另一个叫X生。 这次来说“我的好朋友第二集。”我们定好后就开始了,因为我只有一个人,所以我就先开球。 开球后我先把球带到左边,然后把球投上篮里,结果X源上来拦我,所以我就没有投进。 我发现我没有投进后,我就跑进去抢球,可是X文已经在等球了,然后X文就拿到球了,所以我没有抢到。 Last time I mentioned that my name is Pizahat and my age is confidential. I like to play basketball, which is my hobby. I have three good friends, one is X Wen, one is X Yuan, and the other is X Sheng. This time I said "My good friend second episode." We started after we decided, because I only have one person, so I will kick off first. After the kick-off, I took the ball to the left and then shot the ball into the basket. As a result, source X came up to stop me, so I didn't make it. After I found out that I hadn't made a shot, I ran in to grab the ball, but X Wen was already waiting for the ball, and then X Wen got the ball, so I didn't grab it.

我的好朋友第一集 My good friend episode one🙂

我叫Pizahat,岁数保密,我喜欢打篮球,那是我的爱好。 我有三个好朋友,一个叫X文,一个叫X源,另外一个叫X生,他们的岁数跟我一样,但我不可以说,还有一个就是他们跟我一样爱号是打篮球。 我们其中最厉害打篮球的人是我,第二是X源,第三是X文,第四是X生。 ,有一天我和我的三个好朋友一起去篮球场打篮球,我们一开始就先定好谁跟谁一组,他们三个都要选我,为了公平,我就说:“我自己一组 ,你们三个一组。” My name is Pizahat and my age is confidential. I like playing basketball. That's my hobby. I have three good friends, one is X wen, one is X yuan, and the other is X sheng. Their age is the same as mine, but I can’t say that there is another that they love basketball like me. Among us, the best basketball player is me. The second is X yuan, the third is X wen, and the fourth is X sheng. , One day I went to the basketball court with my three good friends to play basketball. We decided who should be in the team at the beginning. All three of them would choose me. To be fair, I said, "I’m a team. , You are a group of three."

讲骗话的后果第二集 The consequences of telling lies

上次说到,有一个人他叫小明他很懒惰。 有一天,小明在玩电脑游戏时他妈妈叫她去丢垃圾,原本小明是不想要去的可是他妈妈说:“如果你去丢垃圾我就买一包零食给你”听到后小明就答应 了,然后他妈妈就拿给他了。 去的在路上他心想:“丢垃圾还要去楼下的那我直接丢在电梯里面反正妈妈也不知道。”想玩后他就把垃圾丢在电梯里。 过了一会儿,小明丢好后他就回家玩电脑游戏了。 他玩到一半时,他妈妈过来跟他说:“我出去了,在家你要乖乖的不可以让坏人进来”说完后他妈妈就走了。 当他妈妈走到电梯的时候,小明突然想到了他把垃圾丢在电梯里面,小明原本想出去跟他妈妈不用买零食了,可是他妈妈已经上电梯了,所以他就只好在家里等着被 骂。 当他妈妈上电梯后,他妈妈发现了里面有个垃圾而且还很臭所以她就去看一下,结果发现是我们家的垃圾然后他就拿着垃圾回家。 这次来说,“小明非常后悔。”妈妈到家后就问小明:“这个垃圾袋是不是你丢的”,小明看到后就说不是,因为小明想到如果我跟妈妈说是我丟的话, 我就会被打的。 然后妈妈继续问:“真的不是你丢的”,小明听到后还是说不是,所以妈妈只好打开垃圾袋看,结果发现是刚才小明吃的饭盒。看到后小明没有办法在狡辩,然后小明的妈妈就用藤鞭打了小明两下,一下是他把垃圾丢在电梯里的另外一下是他讲骗话的。最后小明很后悔 Last time I mentioned that there was a man named Xiao Ming who was lazy. One day, when Xiao Ming was playing a computer game, his mother told her to throw out the trash. Originally, Xiao Ming didn't want to go, but his mother said, "If you go to throw out the trash, I will buy you a pack of snacks." When Xiao Ming heard that she agreed , And then his mother gave it to him. On the way, he thought to himself: "

讲骗话后果第一集 The consequences of telling lies episode one

从前,有一个人他叫小明他很懒惰。有一天,小明在玩电脑游戏时他妈妈叫她去丢垃圾,原本小明是不想要去的可是他妈妈说:“如果你去丢垃圾我就买一包零食给你”听到后小明就答应了,然后他妈妈就拿给他了。去的在路上他心想:“丢垃圾还要去楼下的那我直接丢在电梯里面反正妈妈也不知道。”想玩后他就把垃圾丢在电梯里。过了一会儿,小明丢好后他就回家玩电脑游戏了。他玩到一半时,他妈妈过来跟他说:“我出去了,在家你要乖乖的不可以让坏人进来”说完后他妈妈就走了。当他妈妈走到电梯的时候,小明突然想到了他把垃圾丢在电梯里面,小明原本想出去跟他妈妈不用买零食了,可是他妈妈已经上电梯了,所以他就只好在家里等着被骂。当他妈妈上电梯后,他妈妈发现了里面有个垃圾而且还很臭所以她就去看一下,结果发现是我们家的垃圾然后他就拿着垃圾回家。  Once upon a time, there was a man named Xiao Ming who was very lazy. One day, when Xiao Ming was playing a computer game, his mother told her to throw out the trash. Originally, Xiao Ming didn't want to go, but his mother said, "If you go out to throw out the trash, I will buy you a pack of snacks." Xiao Ming agreed upon hearing this. , And then his mother gave it to him. On the way, he thought to himself: "If I have to go downstairs to throw the trash, I just throw it in the elevator. Mom doesn't know it anyway." When he wanted to play, he threw the trash in the elevator. After a while, after Xiao