
目前显示的是 一月, 2021的博文

灵异事件第二集 The second episode of supernatural events😱

上次说到了第一个灵异事件,这次来说第二个灵异事件。  第二个:这个也是一样在书房发生的。 当那个白衣人走过去时,又发生了一件灵异事件,就是我问完爸爸,妈妈和姐姐后,我没有多想,就回书房做功课。 我做到一半时,我的笔头断了,我就转头去拿一只新笔,我转头后我看到了我原本放在灯上面的猫,跑去了桌子了边缘,那是后我 愣住了,然后我就问妹妹有没有玩我的猫,可是他说没有。 最后我调查了这两件事,结果第二件是我玩完后随手一放的,可是第一件调查不出来,所以他/她是谁呢? Last time I talked about the first supernatural event, this time it is the second supernatural event.  The second one: This also happens in the study. When the white-clothed man walked over, another supernatural event happened. After I asked my father, mother and sister, I didn't think much about it, so I went back to the study to do my homework. When I was halfway through, my pen was broken. I turned my head to get a new pen. After I turned my head, I saw the cat I had placed on the lamp. I ran to the edge of the table. I was stunned, and then I asked my sister if he played with my cat, but he said no. In the end, I investigated these two things, and it turned out that the second one was released after I finished playing, but the first one

灵异事件第一集 The first episode of supernatural events😱

今天,我在做功课的时候发生了两个灵异事件。  第一个:事情是这样的,我们一家去吃早餐后,我们就回家了。 到家后爸爸就叫我们去做功课,突然间,一个穿白色的人从我们的房间走过去,因为它走太快,所以我没有看清楚他的脸。我看到后我就去问妈妈有没有去我们的房间,然后妈妈说:“我没有。”听到后我接着去问爸爸和姐姐,可是他们都说没有,姐姐还问,“是不是妹妹?”我跟他说:“那时候妹妹在跟我一起做功课。 Today, two supernatural events happened while I was doing my homework.  The first one: This is how it is, after our family went to eat breakfast, we went home. When we got home, Dad asked us to do our homework. Suddenly, a person wearing white walked past our room. Because it was walking too fast, I didn't see his face clearly. After I saw it, I asked my mother if she had gone to our room, and then her mother said, "I didn't." After hearing that, I went to ask my father and sister, but they all said no, and my sister asked, "Is it a sister? ?" I said to him: "At that time my sister was doing homework with me.

我的好朋友第三集 My good friend episode 3🙂

上次说到,我们定好后就开始了,因为我只有一个人,所以我就先开球。 开球后我先把球带到左边,然后把球投上篮里,结果X源上来拦我,所以我就没有投进。 我发现我没有投进后,我就跑进去抢球,可是X文已经在等球了,然后X文就拿到球了,所以我没有抢到。这次来说“我的好朋友第三集。”我发现我没有抢到后,我就去拦X文,因为他拿着球,我就站在他前面手打开,然后他就把球传给X源,因为X源很厉害打篮球。X文传后我就去拦X源,当我要跑去试X源已经把球投上篮,因为X源没有然挡着他,所以他进了。 Speaking of last time, we started after we decided, because I only have one person, so I will tee off first. After the kick-off, I took the ball to the left and then shot the ball into the basket. As a result, source X came up to stop me, so I didn't make it. After I found out that I hadn't made a shot, I ran in to grab the ball, but X Wen was already waiting for the ball, and then X Wen got the ball, so I didn't grab it. This time I said "My good friend episode 3." After I found out that I hadn't grabbed it, I went to stop X Wen, because he was holding the ball, I stood in front of him and opened his hand, and then he passed the ball. Give X source, because X source is very good at playing basketball.

我的好朋友第二集 My good friend second episode,🙂

上次说到,我叫Pizahat,岁数保密,我喜欢打篮球,那是我的爱好。 我有三个好朋友,一个叫X文,一个叫X源,另一个叫X生。 这次来说“我的好朋友第二集。”我们定好后就开始了,因为我只有一个人,所以我就先开球。 开球后我先把球带到左边,然后把球投上篮里,结果X源上来拦我,所以我就没有投进。 我发现我没有投进后,我就跑进去抢球,可是X文已经在等球了,然后X文就拿到球了,所以我没有抢到。 Last time I mentioned that my name is Pizahat and my age is confidential. I like to play basketball, which is my hobby. I have three good friends, one is X Wen, one is X Yuan, and the other is X Sheng. This time I said "My good friend second episode." We started after we decided, because I only have one person, so I will kick off first. After the kick-off, I took the ball to the left and then shot the ball into the basket. As a result, source X came up to stop me, so I didn't make it. After I found out that I hadn't made a shot, I ran in to grab the ball, but X Wen was already waiting for the ball, and then X Wen got the ball, so I didn't grab it.

我的好朋友第一集 My good friend episode one🙂

我叫Pizahat,岁数保密,我喜欢打篮球,那是我的爱好。 我有三个好朋友,一个叫X文,一个叫X源,另外一个叫X生,他们的岁数跟我一样,但我不可以说,还有一个就是他们跟我一样爱号是打篮球。 我们其中最厉害打篮球的人是我,第二是X源,第三是X文,第四是X生。 ,有一天我和我的三个好朋友一起去篮球场打篮球,我们一开始就先定好谁跟谁一组,他们三个都要选我,为了公平,我就说:“我自己一组 ,你们三个一组。” My name is Pizahat and my age is confidential. I like playing basketball. That's my hobby. I have three good friends, one is X wen, one is X yuan, and the other is X sheng. Their age is the same as mine, but I can’t say that there is another that they love basketball like me. Among us, the best basketball player is me. The second is X yuan, the third is X wen, and the fourth is X sheng. , One day I went to the basketball court with my three good friends to play basketball. We decided who should be in the team at the beginning. All three of them would choose me. To be fair, I said, "I’m a team. , You are a group of three."

讲骗话的后果第二集 The consequences of telling lies

上次说到,有一个人他叫小明他很懒惰。 有一天,小明在玩电脑游戏时他妈妈叫她去丢垃圾,原本小明是不想要去的可是他妈妈说:“如果你去丢垃圾我就买一包零食给你”听到后小明就答应 了,然后他妈妈就拿给他了。 去的在路上他心想:“丢垃圾还要去楼下的那我直接丢在电梯里面反正妈妈也不知道。”想玩后他就把垃圾丢在电梯里。 过了一会儿,小明丢好后他就回家玩电脑游戏了。 他玩到一半时,他妈妈过来跟他说:“我出去了,在家你要乖乖的不可以让坏人进来”说完后他妈妈就走了。 当他妈妈走到电梯的时候,小明突然想到了他把垃圾丢在电梯里面,小明原本想出去跟他妈妈不用买零食了,可是他妈妈已经上电梯了,所以他就只好在家里等着被 骂。 当他妈妈上电梯后,他妈妈发现了里面有个垃圾而且还很臭所以她就去看一下,结果发现是我们家的垃圾然后他就拿着垃圾回家。 这次来说,“小明非常后悔。”妈妈到家后就问小明:“这个垃圾袋是不是你丢的”,小明看到后就说不是,因为小明想到如果我跟妈妈说是我丟的话, 我就会被打的。 然后妈妈继续问:“真的不是你丢的”,小明听到后还是说不是,所以妈妈只好打开垃圾袋看,结果发现是刚才小明吃的饭盒。看到后小明没有办法在狡辩,然后小明的妈妈就用藤鞭打了小明两下,一下是他把垃圾丢在电梯里的另外一下是他讲骗话的。最后小明很后悔 Last time I mentioned that there was a man named Xiao Ming who was lazy. One day, when Xiao Ming was playing a computer game, his mother told her to throw out the trash. Originally, Xiao Ming didn't want to go, but his mother said, "If you go to throw out the trash, I will buy you a pack of snacks." When Xiao Ming heard that she agreed , And then his mother gave it to him. On the way, he thought to himself: "

讲骗话后果第一集 The consequences of telling lies episode one

从前,有一个人他叫小明他很懒惰。有一天,小明在玩电脑游戏时他妈妈叫她去丢垃圾,原本小明是不想要去的可是他妈妈说:“如果你去丢垃圾我就买一包零食给你”听到后小明就答应了,然后他妈妈就拿给他了。去的在路上他心想:“丢垃圾还要去楼下的那我直接丢在电梯里面反正妈妈也不知道。”想玩后他就把垃圾丢在电梯里。过了一会儿,小明丢好后他就回家玩电脑游戏了。他玩到一半时,他妈妈过来跟他说:“我出去了,在家你要乖乖的不可以让坏人进来”说完后他妈妈就走了。当他妈妈走到电梯的时候,小明突然想到了他把垃圾丢在电梯里面,小明原本想出去跟他妈妈不用买零食了,可是他妈妈已经上电梯了,所以他就只好在家里等着被骂。当他妈妈上电梯后,他妈妈发现了里面有个垃圾而且还很臭所以她就去看一下,结果发现是我们家的垃圾然后他就拿着垃圾回家。  Once upon a time, there was a man named Xiao Ming who was very lazy. One day, when Xiao Ming was playing a computer game, his mother told her to throw out the trash. Originally, Xiao Ming didn't want to go, but his mother said, "If you go out to throw out the trash, I will buy you a pack of snacks." Xiao Ming agreed upon hearing this. , And then his mother gave it to him. On the way, he thought to himself: "If I have to go downstairs to throw the trash, I just throw it in the elevator. Mom doesn't know it anyway." When he wanted to play, he threw the trash in the elevator. After a while, after Xiao

我的宠物第五集 My pet episode 5😺😭

上次说到,过了几天,我出去喂皮皮食物时,我发现小猫和皮皮它们很挤,所以我就跑进家里告诉爷爷 ,然后爷爷就提议帮他们建一个大笼子,说完后爷爷就去拿工具。 过了一会儿,爷爷就拿好工具就去菜园建,我们准备的工具有胶带和铁网,然后我们就在菜园的一个角落建起了一个大大的笼子,过了一个小时终于做好了。 最后我就把皮皮和她的小猫抱了过来。这次来说,“爷爷把皮皮放生了。”有一天,我早上起来刷牙洗脸,然后就准备去喂皮皮和它的孩子,当我走到菜园时看见爷爷坐在那里,然后我就去看皮皮发现皮皮和它的孩子不见了,然后我就去问爷爷然后爷爷就说:“我把他放生了。”然后我就问为什么,然后爷爷就说:“因为他每次乱乱大便,太麻烦了所以我把它放生了。”听到后我很伤心。 Last time I said that when I went out to feed Pippi a few days later, I found that the kittens and Pippi were crowded, so I ran into the house and told my grandpa, and then my grandpa proposed to help them build a big cage and said Grandpa went to get tools afterwards. After a while, Grandpa took the tools and went to the vegetable garden to build it. The tools we prepared included tape and iron nets. Then we built a big cage in a corner of the vegetable garden. It took an hour to finally make it. Finally, I took Pippi and her kitten over. This time, "Grandpa released Pippi." One day, I got up in the morning, brushed my teeth and washed my face, a

我的宠物第四集 My pet episode 4😺

上次说到看到那两只小猫,我非常开心,然后冲到家里告诉爷爷,讲完后我就打电话给爸爸告诉爸爸皮皮生了两个小猫,要买一个笼子给它们住, 要不然它们会乱跑,说完后爸爸就买了一个笼子给皮皮和小猫。 过了几天后爸爸就回来了,因为爸爸是去很远上班,所以他要几天才可以回来。 当她回来时,手上拿着笼子,看到笼子后我非常开心,马上冲过去拿笼子放在一个地方然后再把皮皮和小猫抱进来,可是当我把皮皮和小猫抱进去 时发现它们很不舒服,所以我就去问爸爸然后爸爸说,因为笼子下面都还没有放纸皮,所以它们弄到笼子的铁才会很不舒服的,听完后我就去放纸皮 在下面,最后皮皮和他的小猫很舒服。 这次来说“建给皮皮和他的孩子的大笼子。”过了几天,我出去喂皮皮食物时,我发现小猫和皮皮它们很挤,所以我就跑进家里告诉爷爷 ,然后爷爷就提议帮他们建一个小笼子,说完后爷爷就去拿工具。 过了一会儿,爷爷就拿好工具就去菜园建,我们准备的工具有胶带和铁网,然后我们就在菜园的一个角落建起了一个大大的笼子,过了一个小时终于做好了。 最后我就把皮皮和她的小猫抱了过来。 Last time I talked about seeing those two kittens. I was very happy. Then I rushed to the house and told my grandfather that after I finished speaking, I called my dad to tell my dad that Pippi gave birth to two kittens and I wanted to buy a cage for them. Otherwise, they would run around. After talking, Dad bought a cage for Pippi and the kitten. Dad will come in a few days later, because Dad is going to work far away, so he will be back in a few days. When she came back, holding the cage in her hand, I was very happy wh

努力的故事 Story of hard work

有一个人名叫小文,他很喜欢打篮球,但是他不会打篮球。 有一天,他去篮球场要看别人打球的时候,看到了一个很厉害打篮球的人然后小文就上前去问他:“我不会打篮球,你可不可以教我打篮球?”然后 那个人就说:“可以,但是你不可以半途而废。”说完后他们就定了明天下午5点来打篮球。 到了明天,小文就5点来到篮球场,然后他就看到那个很厉害打篮球的人已经在那里打篮球了。然后小文就去找他,叫那个很厉害打篮球的人教他打篮球。然后他们就每天这样,不知不觉就过了两年,那时候小文的球技已经很厉害了。最后小文从这件事情中学到了努力才会有好的成果。 A man named Xiaowen, he likes to play basketball, but he can't play basketball. One day, when he was going to the basketball court to watch others play, he saw a very good basketball player and Xiaowen stepped forward and asked him: "I can't play basketball. Can you teach me to play basketball?" Then The man said: "Yes, but you can't give up halfway." After saying that, they decided to play basketball at 5 pm tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow, Xiaowen came to the basketball court at 5 o'clock, and then he saw that the very good basketball player was already playing basketball there. Then Xiaowen went to him and asked that very good basketball player to teach him to play basketball.

我的宠物第三集 My pet episode three😺

上次说到,我准备去喂皮皮时发现它的肚子变肥了,我就去问爷爷为什么皮皮的肚子变肥了,然后爷爷就说因为它要生孩子了,听到后我非常 开心。 过了几天后,我发现皮皮不见了,那是后我非常紧张,因为,皮皮每次早上都会来讨吃的,可是今天没来,所以我就出去找皮皮,突然间车库里 的一个箱子里传来了小猫的叫声,然后我跟着声音过去,发现了两只小猫在里面喵喵叫,刚好这是皮皮也来给那两只小猫喂奶,现在我才发现 那两只小猫是皮皮的孩子。 这次来说“买给皮皮的笼子。”看到那两只小猫,我非常开心,然后冲到家里告诉爷爷,讲完后我就打电话给爸爸告诉爸爸皮皮生了两个小 猫,要买一个笼子给它们住,要不然它们会乱跑,说完后爸爸就买了一个笼子给皮皮和小猫。 过了几天后爸爸就会来了,因为爸爸是去很远上班,所以他要几天才可以回来。 当她回来时,手上拿着笼子,看到笼子后我非常开心,马上冲过去拿笼子放在一个地方然后再把皮皮和小猫抱进来,可是当我把皮皮和小猫抱进去 时发现它们很不舒服,所以我就去问爸爸然后爸爸说,因为笼子下面都还没有放纸皮,所以它们弄到笼子的铁才会很不舒服的,听完后我就去放纸皮在下面,最后皮皮和他的小猫很舒服。 Last time I mentioned that when I was going to feed Pippi, I found that his belly became fat. I asked my grandpa why Pippi’s belly became fat. Then my grandfather said that because he was about to give birth, I was very Happy. A few days later, I found that Pippi was gone. I was very nervous after that, because Pippi would come to beg for food every morning, but I didn’t come today, so I went out to look for Pippi and suddenly it was in the garage. The cat's cry came from a box in,

我的宠物第二集 My pet episode 2😺

上次说到,我有养一只流浪猫,它很可怜,因为我还没养到半年就被爷爷抓去放生了,当时我非常伤心。 爷爷为什么要丢掉是因为奶奶非常讨厌养宠物,由其是那种很肮脏的动物,所以奶奶叫爷爷抓去放生。 这只流浪猫是我在6月29日2018找到的,我把它取名为"皮皮" 。 因为那时候我非常喜欢猫,所以我叫爷爷帮我寻找一只野猫给我当宠物。 有一天晚上爷爷在门口乘凉,突然间不知道从哪里冒出了两只野猫,然后爷爷就发出猫喜欢的声音吸引了那两只猫过来,由于有一只猫是公的所以我就把它赶 走,因为另外一只是母的,我要让那只母猫生多多小猫。 这次来说“皮皮生了两只小猫。”有一天我准备去喂皮皮时发现它的肚子变肥了,我就去问爷爷为什么皮皮的肚子变肥了,然后爷爷就说 因为它要生孩子了,听到后我非常开心。 过了几天后,我发现皮皮不见了,那是后我非常紧张,因为,皮皮每次早上都会来讨吃的,可是今天没来,所以我就出去找皮皮,突然间车库里的一个箱子里传来了小猫的叫声,然后我跟着声音过去,发现了两只小猫在里面喵喵叫,刚好这是皮皮也来给那两只小猫喂奶 ,现在我才发现那两只小猫是皮皮的孩子。 Last time I mentioned that I have a stray cat. It is very pitiful because I was caught and released by my grandfather before I raised it for half a year. I was very sad at the time. The reason why grandpa throws it away is because grandma hate pets very much, because it is a very dirty animal, so grandma asked grandpa to catch it and release it. I found this stray cat on June 29, 2018, and I named it "Pippi". Because I liked cats very much back then, I asked my grandpa to help me find

自我介绍 Self introduction😁

我的名字叫pizahat,我的年龄保密,我妈妈帮我取这个名字是因为我妈妈喜欢吃pizzahut,,所以我妈妈 就帮我取了这个名字。 我喜欢打篮球,这是我的爱好,因为打篮球算是一种运动,可以让我的身体健康,所以我喜欢打篮球。 我的性格是像那种不会太容易发脾气的人,因为我觉得发脾气也没有什么用,你越发脾气你就越老,所以我不喜欢发脾气。 最后我还有一个大大的愿望, 就是我希望以后可以当一名科学家。 My name is pizahat and my age is kept secret. My mother gave me this name because my mother likes to eat pizzahut, so my mother gave me this name. I like playing basketball. This is my hobby. Because playing basketball is a sport that can keep my body healthy, I like playing basketball. My personality is like the kind of person who doesn't lose your temper too easily, because I don't think it's useful to lose your temper. The more you lose your temper, the older you get, so I don't like losing your temper. Finally, I still have a big wish, that is, I hope to be a scientist in the future.

我的宠物第一集 my petFirst episode😺

还记得两年前我有养一只流浪猫,它很可怜,因为我还没养到半年就被爷爷抓去放生了,当时我非常伤心。爷爷为什么要丢掉是因为奶奶非常讨厌养宠物,由其是那种很肮脏的动物,所以奶奶叫爷爷抓去放生。 这只流浪猫是我在6月29日2018找到的,我把它取名为"皮皮" 。 因为那时候我非常喜欢猫,所以我叫爷爷帮我寻找一只野猫给我当宠物。有一天晚上爷爷在门口乘凉,突然间不知道从哪里冒出了两只野猫,然后爷爷就发出猫喜欢的声音吸引了那两只猫过来,由于有一只猫是公的所以我就把它赶走,因为另外一只是母的,我要让那只母猫生多多小猫。 I still remember that I raised a stray cat two years ago. It was very pitiful, because my grandfather caught me and released it before I raised it for half a year. I was very sad at the time. The reason why grandpa throws it away is because grandma hate pets very much, because it is a very dirty animal, so grandma asked grandpa to catch it and release it. I found this stray cat on June 29, 2018, and I named it "Pippi". Because I liked cats very much at that time, I asked Grandpa to help me find a wild cat for me as a pet. One night, Grandpa was taking the cold at the door. Suddenly, two wild cats appeared from nowhere. Then Grand

爬山记 Mountain climbing

上个月,我们一家五口一起去爬山,在出发前我们就穿长裤,因为我们怕路边的树枝会刮伤我们的腿。由于那里的天气太冷所以我们决定穿长袖衣,最后我们穿了跑步 鞋因为我们怕脚扭伤,一切准备就续我们就出发了。当我们到达山脚下,然后我们再顺着楼梯爬上去。突然间路上蹦出了一个猴子,姐姐拿出手机把猴子滑稽的模样给拍了下来。 走啊走终于到了山顶,我们总共花了一个小时才到达山顶,我们拍了很多照片留念,拍完后就我们就回家了。 Last month, our family of five went hiking together. We wore trousers before we set off because we were afraid that the branches on the roadside would scratch our legs. Because the weather there was too cold, we decided to wear long-sleeved shirts. Finally, we wore running shoes because we were afraid of spraining our feet. All preparations continued and we set off. When we reached the foot of the mountain, we then climbed up the stairs again. Suddenly a monkey popped out on the road. My sister took out the phone and took a picture of the monkey's funny appearance. Walking and walking finally reached the top of the mountain. It took us a total of an hour to reach the top of the mountain. We took a lot of pictures as a souvenir. After the shooting, we went home.

分工合作的故事 The story of division of labor

从前有一只小猫和一只小狗他们是好朋友。 小猫是很会打造屋子但它却不会搬东西,小狗可以搬东西但它却不会打造屋子。 有一天,小猫和小狗在草原上躺着觉得非常无聊,所以小猫和小狗在想要怎么才可以不无聊,想啊想突然小猫想到了一个办法就说:“不如我们去森林 旅游吧。”小狗听到后满意地答应了,所以他们要去准备。 一开始小狗先想到了避雨的问题,它就问小猫然后小猫就说:“我很厉害打造屋子所以我们可以打造一个小木屋,”说完后小猫又想到了一个问题,就是木屋 要怎么搬到森林然后他就问小狗,小狗说:“我的力量很大所以我可以把木屋搬去森林。说完后小猫他们就开工了。过了一会儿他们就做好了,做好后 他们就带上一点食物就开心地去了。 Once there was a kitten and a puppy they were good friends. Kittens are good at building but they can't move things, puppy can move things but they can't build things. One day, kittens and puppies were lying on the grassland and found it very boring, so the kittens and puppies wanted to be boring. Suddenly, the kitten thought of a way and said, “It’s better to go to the forest. Travel." The puppy agreed with satisfaction after hearing it, so they had to prepare. In the beginning, the puppy thought about sheltering from the rain. It asked the kitten and the kitten said: "I am very good at building things so we can build a small wooden house." After speak

早餐记 Breakfast

今天我们一家五口七点醒来,然后刷牙洗脸就准备去吃早餐。一开始我们去搭电梯然后发现很冷就回家穿外套然后就下楼了。下楼后我们先过一条马路然后我们就走进一条有盖的走廊然后直走,在路上我们发现了一只变色龙,然后我就拍了下来,在然后我们就继续直走就到了转弯处我们就转弯然后继续直走然后就到了。然后我们就去一家店吃叻沙那家店的叻沙很好吃然后我还有配一杯美禄吃完后我们就回家了。 Today, our family of five woke up at seven o'clock, and then we brushed our teeth and washed our faces before going to breakfast. First, we went to take the elevator and found it was weather cold, we would wear a coat and then went downstairs. After going downstairs, we first, crossed a road, and then we walked into a covered corridor and walked straight. We found a chameleon on the tree, and then I took a photo of it. after that, we went straight and we reached the turning point. Just turn and keep going straight and you are here. Then we went to eat laksa, which restaurant's laksa was delicious and I also had a cup of Milo. after we had finished breakfast and we went home.

介绍PUBG里面的图书馆模式 Introduce the library model in PUBG

我相信大家都有听过PUBG,它是一款枪战游戏。这是一款很考技术的游戏,需要多多练习才可以熟悉这款有戏。所以我今天要来说说PUBG里面的图书管模式。 I believe everyone has heard of PUBG, it is a gun battle game.  This is a very technical game, and it takes a lot of practice to become familiar with this game.  So today I want to talk about the library mode in PUBG. 下面是我的视频 Below is my video 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 在一开始我犯点小失误请不要介意 I made a small mistake at the beginning, please don't mind 在0:33秒的反应非常重要 The response at 0:33 seconds is very important 在0:49秒不小心死掉了 Accidentally died at 0:49 seconds 在1分钟:24秒也是非常重要因为如果我没有爬下我就会死 In 1 minute: 24 seconds is also very important because if I don’t climb down I will die 在1分钟:38秒枪了个人 Shot a person in 1 minute: 38 seconds 在1分钟45秒的那一枪我非常喜欢 I like the shot at 1 minute and 45 seconds very much 我非常抱歉我后面没有放上来因为后面一直死请大家见谅 I’m very sorry that I didn’t put it up later because it keeps dying later. 还有谢谢大家的收看 And thank you everyone for watching

介绍我上个礼拜的游戏(第1集) :: Introduce the game I played last week (episode1)

上个礼拜,我在玩手机的一个游戏叫《 迷你世界 》 那个游戏非常好玩进到它里面就会教你怎么玩这个游戏。 它里面是一个一个正方体的方块和里面可以选你要玩什么模式有生存 模式和创造模式,生存模式有分为三种。第一种就是普通的生存;第二种就是极限生存就是只有一条命;第三种就是高级生存就是可以你要出生在那个地方就出身在那个地方 。现在来说创造, 创造是你要那什么方块出来在书包拿就可以了和创造有无限命不会死 而且创造有分为两种模式地一种是普通的创造另一种是高级创造就是 跟高级生存一样就是你想出身在哪里就出生在哪里。 我的迷你号: 125704251 my mini world Id: 125704251 Last week, I was playing a game on my mobile phone called " Mini World ". It's fun to play, and it will teach you how to play this game.  Inside it is a cube of cubes and inside you can choose what mode you want to play. There are survival mode and creative mode. There are three survival modes. One is ordinary survival, and the second is extreme survival, which means there is only one life.  The three types of earth are advanced survival, which means you can be born in that place if you want to be born there.  Now for creation, creation is what you want out of the box and you can take it in your schoolbag. Creation has unlimited life and will not die.