【Poppit】是一塊矽膠的彩色板,有不同形狀、造型及尺寸,質感柔軟,按壓時會發出輕微的【Pop】聲,除了可以當【啪啪紙】釋放和紓緩壓力,亦有很多不同的玩法,可以自由設定玩法,所有玩法都是以按最後一粒的玩家為輸。此外亦有廠商在每格加上英文或數字,加入更多玩法。這個小玩意好玩之餘亦可訓練數感及思維,寓玩樂於學習,難怪大受歡迎。 另一個受歡迎的原因,是其價錢便宜,而且到處也可以買到,像杂货店... 手机上也可以买到像sopping,taobao和lazada都可以买到,最便宜可以到十仙。难怪这么受欢迎。 [Poppit] is a colored silicone sheet with different shapes, shapes and sizes. It has a soft texture and makes a slight [Pop] sound when pressed. In addition to being used as [Poppit paper] to release and relieve pressure, there are also many differences. The gameplay can be set freely. All gameplays are based on the player who presses the last one as the loser. In addition, some manufacturers add English or numbers to each cell to add more gameplay. This gadget is fun to train sense of number and thinking, and combines play with learning. No wonder it is so popular. Another reason for its popularity is that it is cheap and can be bought everywhere, like grocery stores... You can also buy it on your mobile phone, such as sopping, taobao a...