
目前显示的是 十月, 2021的博文

pubg地铁逃生物资价钱排行耪(五大) Pubg Metro Escape Bio-Materials Price Ranking (Top five)

 no.5 狗牌 dog tag(价钱 price:25 000) no.4平板电脑 tablet (价钱 price:41 000)因为找不到图片所以没有放 I didn't put it because I couldn't find the picture no.3探测器 detector(价钱 price:48 000)因为找不到图片所以没有放 I didn't put it because I couldn't find the picture no.2蓝图 blueprint(价钱 price:96 000)因为找不到图片所以没有放 I didn't put it because I couldn't find the picture no.1金条 gold bar(价钱 price:200 000)

完成文章1😀 Complete article 1😀

            在回家的路上我遇到了班上的同学明华。他的神情看起来和平常不一样,虽然我们平时很少交谈但我还是决定走上前问个明白。        “嘿!明华,你怎么闷闷不乐的事发生什么事吗?”我走过去向他挥了挥手可是他径直的向我走过。我拍了拍他的肩膀他才反应过来。“对......对不起,刚刚在想一些事情所以......”说到这里他脸上的表情瞬间变了,他哭丧着脸开始向我叙述家里的情况。          原来明华的妈妈生病了,住在医院需要一大笔手术费,可是明华的家境本就不好,再加上他是单亲家庭,这让他原本就不富裕的家庭雪上加霜,但明华的母亲的病情越来越严重,急需一笔手术费但明华又帮不上母亲,他现在特别烦恼不知如何是好。         这时我心里突然萌生了一个想法...... 未完待续....        On the way home, I met my classmate Minghua. His expression looked different. Although we rarely talk to each other, I decided to step forward and ask to understand.           "Hey! Minghua, what happened to your unhappy thing?" I walked over and waved at him, but he walked straight to me. I patted his shoulder before he realized it. "Ye... I'm sorry, I was thinking about something just now so..." The expression on his face changed instantly when he said that, and he began to tell me about the situation at home with a sad face.            It turned out that Minghua’s mother was sick and living in the hospita
               There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and  dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I  started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport.  Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games  have given me the most wonderful time in my life.     我喜欢的运动种类很多,比如游泳、跑步、 跳舞。 不过,我最喜欢的运动是篮球。 小学的时候,我 在 学校开始打篮球。 那个时候,我发现自己已经深深爱上了这项运动。 现在,我想尽可能多地看篮球比 赛。 篮球比赛 给了我生命中最美好的时光。

介绍我的poppit Introduce my poppit

【Poppit】是一塊矽膠的彩色板,有不同形狀、造型及尺寸,質感柔軟,按壓時會發出輕微的【Pop】聲,除了可以當【啪啪紙】釋放和紓緩壓力,亦有很多不同的玩法,可以自由設定玩法,所有玩法都是以按最後一粒的玩家為輸。此外亦有廠商在每格加上英文或數字,加入更多玩法。這個小玩意好玩之餘亦可訓練數感及思維,寓玩樂於學習,難怪大受歡迎。 另一個受歡迎的原因,是其價錢便宜,而且到處也可以買到,像杂货店... 手机上也可以买到像sopping,taobao和lazada都可以买到,最便宜可以到十仙。难怪这么受欢迎。 [Poppit] is a colored silicone sheet with different shapes, shapes and sizes. It has a soft texture and makes a slight [Pop] sound when pressed. In addition to being used as [Poppit paper] to release and relieve pressure, there are also many differences. The gameplay can be set freely. All gameplays are based on the player who presses the last one as the loser. In addition, some manufacturers add English or numbers to each cell to add more gameplay. This gadget is fun to train sense of number and thinking, and combines play with learning. No wonder it is so popular. Another reason for its popularity is that it is cheap and can be bought everywhere, like grocery stores... You can also buy it on your mobile phone, such as sopping, taobao a
               I have a big family.There are seven people in my family.They are my grandfather, grandmother, my father, my mother, my two sibling.   My grandfather is 69 years old. his hair is all white. He like to resting in night. My grandmother is 60 years old .Her hairs is some white. She likes planting. My mother is 39 years old.She is a worker .She allways workers very hard.she likes go shopping very much. My father is 37 years old too.He is a IT lead .He always want the three of us child study hard.   I m 11 years old I am small school student.I am good at math and chinese .I want to be a good doctor in the future. my two sibling are same school with me. my elder sister want to be a good voice actor in the future, and she hobby is play basketball. My younger sister want to be a good teacher in the future, she hobby is fight with me.   This is my family .I love my family .Do you like my family.           我有一个大家庭。我家有七口人,他们是我的祖父、祖母、我的父亲、我的母亲,我的两个兄弟姐妹。           我的祖父今年 69 岁。 他的头发全白了

在家的儿童节 Children's day at home

           10月1日是儿童节,因为疫情关系,我们学生没有办法去学校读书,只好在家里读书。所以我们没有办法在学校庆祝儿童节,只能在家里庆祝儿童节。老师通过一个叫 students lening space   (学生学习空间) 的网站让我们学习。它是长这样子的。      你登陆后你会看到一格一格格子,那就是老师给你的功课。我的老师就是用这样子的方法给我和我的同学庆祝儿童节。老师发一个格子,里面就有一个谷歌见面链接,我点进去就可以庆祝儿童节啦!       October 1st is Children's Day. Because of the epidemic, our students have no way to go to school and have to study at home. So we can’t celebrate Children’s Day at school, we can only celebrate Children’s Day at home. The teacher let us learn through a website called students lening space. It looks like this.       After you log in, you will see a grid, which is the homework the teacher gives you. My teacher used this method to celebrate Children's Day for me and my classmates. The teacher sends a grid, and there is a Google meet link in it. I can click it to celebrate Children's Day! Translation result  )