
目前显示的是 五月, 2021的博文
           My name is Xiao ming My favorite teacher is Mdm Zhao. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.    Mdm Zhao dislike curse people, she likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.       Mdm Zhao likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favorite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.             我叫小明。我最喜欢的老师是赵女士。 她是位美丽的女士。 她有两只大眼睛,高鼻子和小红嘴。 她的脸上总是挂着微笑。             赵女士不喜欢骂人,她喜欢唱歌和收集海报。 她擅长弹钢琴。 到了晚上,她总是坐在钢琴前,弹奏优美的音乐。 她也很会跳舞。 有时她教我们跳舞。              赵女士非常喜欢狗,因为狗非常友好和可爱。 她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。 因为蓝色是天空和海洋的颜色。
There is a person named Xiaoli, she is eleven years old this year, he is studying in class 5A, she is a person who loves complaints, so the teacher let her be the class leader. One day their class was going to the library to borrow books, and then they lined up outside the classroom. Xiaoli was in the front of line because she was the class leader. After the line-up, they went to the library. After a while, they arrived library. Xiaoli is going to the third row of bookshelves to read, because every time she goes to borrow books, she goes to the third row. When Xiaoli reached the third row of bookshelves,she see xiaomei pick up a wallet and then put in her pocket then go away. Xiaoli saw what Xiaomei do then she go to tell Xiaomei friend, " don't be Xiaomei's friend,because she embezzle other people thing." Xiaomei friend listen to Xiaoli explanation and then they believe what she say, then they all stopped being friends with Xiaomei. To the next day ,Xiaomei want to c


             最近PUBG出了一个新模式,我相信你们都有玩过了。它是一个开箱子赚钱买装备打人游戏。今天我就来说说,如何在逃离辐射区,而却是在没有撤离信号枪的情况下离开辐射区撤离。 首先我们要先有一个好的出生点像R城里面是最好的,然后马上冲进地铁里,不要开外面的车,要开里面的车,因为只有从里面进去才可以出去,后面我会细说怎么出去。进去地铁后我们可以做一个小动作,我们可以把外面的车开到拐弯处,这样别人就以为车被开走了,所以走掉,就算他们真的想去辐射区也要很久,因为我们不是吧外面那辆车开走了,所以他走过去也要很久,那样子我们就可以安心的开箱子了。 我们进到辐射区,如果你不想和别人打架,你就只可以开一些木材架上的一些箱子,因为如果你去到图书馆,有些人就来了,所以你只能开一些箱子。开完后你就去到一个木材架旁边的一个角落,到了这里你就一直跳,一直跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳,跳啊跳。直到你翻过一面空气墙就是成功了。但是这个方法还是有一定风险的,一点要打满血,要不然跌下来后果不堪设想😮。翻过去后直走不要乱走,要不然会跌下去。之走后你会跌下一个草地别担心因为这给草地很高,所以不用担心会死掉。掉下去后你就去到R城旁边的一个高架,然后跳下去,哦忘了说当你跌下去那个草地时一定要打药,要不然你跳下去高架后会死掉,跳下去后就可以去你的撤离点该回家了,你就可以赚一个金银满盆。😁 我们来说下一个方法,下一个方法就是用另外一边的矿车,首先我们要先有一个好的出生点像R城里面是最好的,然后马上冲进地铁里,不要开里面的车,要开外面的车,因为只有从里没进去才可以出去,后面我会细说怎么出去。进去地铁后我们可以做一个小动作,我们可以把里面的车开到很远,这样别人就以为车被开走了,所以走掉,就算他们真的想去辐射区也要很久,因为我们不是吧里面那辆车开走了,所以他走过去也要很久,那样子我们就可以安心的开箱子了。 我们进到辐射区,如果你不想和别人打架,你就只可以开一些木材架上的一些箱子,因为如果你去到图书馆,有些人就来了,所以你只能开一些箱子。开完后你就去到一个木材架地下,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊等,等啊