
目前显示的是 二月, 2021的博文

好心人小肥第一集 Good-hearted Man Xiaofei Episode 1🙂

          从前有个人叫小肥,从来没有人看过他长什么样子。 他最喜欢做的事就是帮助有需要帮助的人而且他有一个超能力就是可以变成任何人。          一天,他看到一家穷人。 里面有一个小孩和一个妈妈和一个爸爸。 小孩一直吵着要一辆玩具车,可是那家穷人的爸爸和妈妈都没有钱买玩具车给小孩,所以爸爸只好骗小孩讲:“我明天一定会买给你的。”小肥听到后 ,心想:“我一定要帮助那家人去商店买一辆玩具车,可是我又不想被人家看到我长什么样子,我该怎么办呢?”          There used to be a man named Xiaofei, and no one had ever seen what he looked like. His favorite thing to do is to help people in need.            One day, he saw a poor family. There is a child and a mother and a father in it. The child kept clamoring for a toy car, but the poor father and mother had no money to buy a toy car for the child, so the father had to lie to the child: "I will buy it for you tomorrow." Xiaofei heard this. , Thought: "I must help that family go to the store to buy a toy car, but I don't want to be seen by others, what should I do?" 🤔小肥该这么办?                       😋  期待下集  😋 🤔What should Xiaofei do? 🤔Does the child quarrel for other things? 😋Looking forward to the next episode😋