
目前显示的是 十二月, 2020的博文

The consequences of playing football by the road. 在马路旁玩足球⚽的后果

One afternoon, Xiao Ming and Xiao Lin went home from school. They walked by the side of the road and when they were too boring, Xiao Ming took out the football. Then he kicked it to Xiao Lin and then to Xiao Ming, kicking and accidentally kicking Xiao Lin. It was crooked, the ball rolled and rolled to the road. When Xiao Ming saw it, he went to fetch the ball when there was no car. Suddenly a bicycle came over at a high speed and hit Xiao Ming, and then Xiao Ming. Sitting on the ground touching his feet and crying. Finally, the biker came down to comfort Xiao Ming, and then Xiao Lin took Xiao Ming home. 一天下午,小明和小林放学回家他们走在马路旁的走道因为太无聊了小明就拿出足球,然后他先踢给小林在然后就踢给小明,踢着踢着一不小心小林踢 歪了,那颗球滚啊滚,滚去了马路,小明看到后就趁没有车的时候就去拿球,突然间转弯处来了一辆自行车高速地行驶过来撞上了小明,然后小明 摸着脚坐在地上哇哇大哭。 最后骑自行车的人下来安慰小明,然后小林就带小明回家.